Originally Posted by dlish
...and LordEden.
I haven't made a terrorist joke in a long time... I think. Sometimes I make bad jokes without even realizing it. Then again 99% of my humor is tasteless jokes that no one but myself finds funny.
I am the world's worst about horribly inappropriate jokes about your race, ethnicity, and sexual (or lack of) preference. I try to keep it under wraps, but if I've got a group of co-workers I can get away with releasing my dark and twisted humor, I will.
I make jokes about being gay, but I usually try to be clever about it. The "[gay, loser, ect]sayswhat" jokes were funny for about 5 minutes when Wayne's World came out. That was about it.
Thing it, I make the most gay jokes when I'm around my gay friends or co-workers. I loved giving the gay waiters hell at the country club, that was one of the best parts of that job. They laughed louder than anyone else.
The worst I go is "your mama" jokes, which was only funny in the 3rd grade. Granted most of those jokes are lame because the joke is lame... which is the whole range of humor behind it... That didn't make sense, but sometimes I'm funny. It gets a laugh out of the simpleton in the cubical next to me, so eh.
Point is... I try and be witty with my jokes. A lot of my jokes fail, but a lot of times I get a laugh out of the intended audience. I tailor my humor for the people around me. If you just make a lame joke or a "joke" that is really a statement of racist/hate/bigot, that's just fucking sad.
tldr: Try to be witty, nobody likes lame jokes. Even gay people.
Also, I agree with Plan9. Like always. I should just make that my sig.