The 80's were my teen years (they sucked),
MTV started, and revolutionized the music industry.
Video started, and revolutionized watching movies at home.
Cable came onto it's own
Media changed like crazy. Movies, Music & TV all became something else.
In the 90's
That was for me my 20's for the most part, I turned 30 in '98.
Learning how to support myself, how to be in a work environment.
Growing, surviving, and some fun & love
How to be an adult & my true self.
I noted The 90's for the world, was the end of the Cold War,
and the start of the Information Age.
The internet came onto it's own, computers came within the price range of a normal person,
and a normal person could view a "normal" environment through a GUI.
Last edited by rogue49; 06-17-2003 at 05:35 AM..