Originally Posted by KirStang
(Besides just straight running a lot)
Gather 'round, chillen's, cause I's about to lay some knowledge on y'all. And it's not just any knowledge, it's The Secret. You know, The Secret to how to get really fucking good at running.
Are you sure?
Ok - the secret to being able to run better/faster/scald dogs is.....
run more miles faster.
Sorry, Kirstang, there's not much more to it than that. No matter what other things you do, it comes down to having to train for the event that you're running. You can lift weights. You can walk around in special shoes. You can paint your feet with Icey Hot to get you to pick them up faster. But at the end of the day, you're got to put in the miles. There aren't any shortcuts.
Now, that said, it sounds like you may have some specific issues that limit your ability to go fast. If that's the case, you probably need to consult a trainer or a doctor. Orthodics might be a huge help. There may be something else that's better.
Those will help with the pain and pounding your giving your body. But if you want to run x distance in y time, the only way you'll ever be remotely capable of it is to actually go out and train for it.
Wish I wasn't such a Debbie Downer, bud, but that's the facts.