I figure I'd post this as a Life experience rather than a rant on paranoia or something. I hope my misadventures entertain the forum at least temporarily :P I would just like to warn everyone of the length of this thread. It could take up minutes of your time. (Depending on reading speed and interest) And this line is a kind of insurance to avoid any TLDNR replies, or at least be able to classify them as trolling. Glad to be back on TFP! and Enjoy!
I'm in a crossroads in my pre-career life where everything is slowly building towards what I'm going to be for the next 30-40 years. The thing is, what I was aiming for during the last few years have been nothing real or motivating. Business management is not for me, numbers stress me out, and I am too nice to screw people over. I've already started on the academics (switching to Literature, film, arts) now I need to move onto lifestyle. That is the switch from small town mentality to big city life.
Recently I've been on a mission, that mission is to find a job for the summer in the city where I attend University, instead of going back to my hometown. Sure, if I went back this summer the pay check would be nice and I would visit the family, but those are the
only advantages. Of the disadvantages, there is several: long work hours+ intense labor= low energy, bad nutrition, unsteady physical activity, low motivation, lack of social interaction, loss of interest in things in general.
And so, for the last few weeks I've been asking around, going to websites, scouting the surrounding businesses, etc... The thing is, when it came to updating my Resume, (very out of date, since my last few summers have been on a "who you know" basis for work) everything started to go wrong.
First, the death of my trusted desktop. During my school I've been mostly using my laptop and only booting up the old beater to store data, or watch the odd movie. All of a sudden, with a goal of grabbing my Resume files, my computer just wont boot up, now I'm not turning this into a troubleshoot thread so I will not go into detail. Long story short, I have no immediate access to those files. So I guess it's time to start over.
Next up, the planning. So this was a Friday, and as any good college student, it was time to make the weekend go by the only way we know how. A few bars, a friend's birthday, late afternoon wake-ups, etc... That Sunday, I was reading over some notes from class when I figured I may as well do the respectable thing and plan out my class-free Monday. First on the list was: the Resume. I'll finish this section by adding that over the weekend I had been experiencing a few discomforts in the stomach area, which of course I ignored.
Monday morning, I beat my alarm clock. Not because I was excited to start this process. No, it was so my body could tell me it was pissed off and ready to make the next few days a pain in the ass. That's right, dry cough, 3 out of 5 Pepto Bismol symptoms and muscle pains, high fever. {Sadface} I haz da Flu. So that's great, you could imagine my motivation to write about my skills, goals, achievements and past work experience in this state. I forgot to mention that something came in the mail that day... My mom sent the application for the job I've had the last few summers
At least it was short lived, 3 days under the weather is all it took. This morning I was feeling mighty fine, and Microsoft Word was calling my name. Now I don't know you personally, but if you lost every copy of your Resume or files related, it would suck. Having to write that PITA again is to me Dreadful. I would rather write a 10 page essay on why I should get this job. Hell I should send this post as my cover letter to show my employer the journey I went through.
The biggest problem is that I have not looked into the structure of the Resume/CV since High school. Sure I know what to put in it but what's the order, what should I put in
Italic and/or
Bold how is the date format, what are the margins,... So off to the Microsoft Office website for some templates to help out on that structure. All was fine until for some reason, the Office website was being funky, the page was loading, links were appearing, but there was no flash, script, java, color, or anything visual on the website for that matter. It was as though the website had gone through a wormhole into 1997. Things like this happen sometimes but usually a quick refresh fixes the problem. Not this time Joe Nobody!
Now I'm not going on some Adjustment Bureau conspiracy rant or Paranoia of sorts. And I'm sure I'll get on that Resume as soon as this post is done with. It's just a little frustrating that coincidence has been playing hardball these past few days. I Don't Wanna Go Home!
SO that's my story up till about 40 minutes ago when I decided to come back to good old TFP where I've been a member for a while but been busy with other stuff. Glad to be back and it's nice to share this little story of life's moments of nowhere but up!
P.S. the Microsoft Office website just came up.