No one is born gay or strait. Whoever believes that believes a whole bunch of lies. That's just a way to justify sexual attraction. I mean, what infant is born thinking, "Ooooh I can't wait to have sex. Ooooh he/she is attractive, I want it!" People have the freedom to choose who they want to be with, who they want to have sex with, and who they want to be. Free will is our natural right (even though our actions are not always right). Why is it any different with sexual orientation? There's a difference between finding someone beautiful and finding someone attractive, just like there's a difference between Love and lust. Lust is like a drug craving that wants to be satisfied all the time, and it'll take anything that stimulates it and it'll make you forget about what Love really is. It's a selfish high. And the whole thing about sexual orientation being justified by hormones is also a load of garbage. Sure, they can make you horny and stuff, but that doesn't mean you have to act on it. That goes for both gay AND strait people. That's why we have so many STD's and kids without parents because people surrender their minds to their stupid hormones. There's a time and place for everything, and it's not different when it comes to sex. And what is "talking gay" and "gay mannerisms"? Nothing but a bunch of stereotypes. Accents and mannerisms are learned for the most part, weather we chose them or not (like the manner in which we chose to carry ourselves).
Last edited by She5; 03-24-2011 at 12:49 AM..