Originally Posted by citadel
The guy didn't sit around listening to the radio to get pumped up before packing explosives into a cigar box though. Again though, he wouldn't have had a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on his rented Uhaul. The two are at totally opposite ends of the spectrum.
Different degrees, not ends. its all on the same end, the right end. For me I cant make the distinction that just because they wouldnt have a sticker or listen to the shows it makes it different. Right is right, your either there or you arent. When these politicians AND pundits like Beck play these games where they make suggestive statements well... people just as dangerous as both those men, no matter where on the right they are, start thinking their being asked or sanctioned to act.
Originally Posted by citadel
Sorry, I won't make payments for imagined statements that no one can prove. 
Oh, haha, i can prove it. your welcome to come out and hang around anytime you want. I have a whole state of that going on, they dont even try to hide it unless a camera is around, lol. When they think everyones on the same team, holy crap the things they say and they are ALL for these politicians and they BELIEVE their being asked and that these people think just like them. Thats not coincidence guy, thats good salesmanship. you dont have to pay for anything, I've already got a check right here.
Originally Posted by citadel
There's not much extreme about the guy, he's on a major news network (not Al Jazeera either). He panders to a crowd that has next to nothing in common with the various terrorists listed above. It's not like he's out fundraising for the Montana Freeman or the Patriot movement. He's not even that extreme, just a little right of left leaning folks. The guys you're all so afraid of probably pay rapt attention to the teachings of William Pierce or Adolf Hitler.
Again, beck is just a another flavor, he's like extremism light, all the danger half the evidence. Actually i've heard beck talk about the new future of America in which the small businessman and farmer rule and how they need to take it back by any means necessary. This was during the "not my america cry sessions" and that is close to a mirror of a mussolini speech made not long after they joined up with germany. I just happened to be in a hiostory course covering WWII at the time, man I had a field day with that on Facebook. Again, i dont see your distinction. I see carefully played and dangerous wordplay designed to incite fervor and it results in actions.