Originally Posted by Vodka
i've since learnt it seems forum newbies are generally ignored, regardless of a requested introductory post
hell one forum i joined, it took me 2yrs before the establishment finally replied to my posts - regardless of the fact the forum owners were/are close friends of mine 
I spent a few years here wondering if I was really contributing because I didn't get all that many responses to my posts and threads. Then they made me a mod. Don't take it personally if you don't get too many direct responses, people still appreciate your contributions.
Originally Posted by HandmeDown
Of course, being new and giving opinions out of hand can get a person flamed. Maybe that's why newbies are trepidatious about adding more? Maybe in the newbie forum, set a guideline for milder or no flaming to give them a chance to feel more comfortable?
I tend to give tough love, no-holds-barred responses, especially in sexuality and especially when someone asks a dumb question or just won't listen to advice. Overall, though, even if people disagree with you you're more than welcome to disagree right back. You might be scrutinized more because if you're not a familiar face we all want to grill you until we get an idea of where you generally stand on stuff, but the only thing that I would say favors established members is if they break the rules and we can use their history with us to determine whether it's something out of character for them that isn't likely to be a repeat problem.