IMHO - There are two "best" post apocalyptic weapons.
1. Ranged : 12g shotgun. My preference is a Mossberg 500 but that's just me. Assuming we are talking real world and not mutant / zombie / monster, stealth is not going to be your concern, defense is.
- Shotties will stop a man or beast with one shot, spread out enough to hit 2 or 3 attackers at once, and with the right ammo have the range to hunt accurately up to 100 yards.
- The sight of a shotgun will dissuade half of the population, the sound of a racking shell will get rid of the other half.
- Shotties are meant to be rugged, easy to fix and require a minimum of maintenance. They just work.
- Shotgun shells are readily accessible, inexpensive, and come in a huge variety tailored to your immediate need.
- You'll find shells in every rural farmhouse you stop to raid on your way up to the mountains.
2. Melee : A 3 - 4 foot prybar / crowbar is your best friend.
- It can open locked doors, windows, etc, whether to save someone or to scavenge or to open a can of beans.
- It can block and potentially break the sword or machete of anyone silly enough to still be carrying one if they aren't a trained swordsman.
- It never needs sharpening, polishing, etc.
- It can be used to bludgeon, and will crush / break any armor or defenses between it and your target.
- If need be it can be used as a stabbing / puncture tool, and while it may not have the finesse of an épée, it will get the job done.