Golly gee willakers, y'allins don't ever say "jeepers"?
Okay, so I'm new here and trying to be on my best behavior and not say "bad words", although I can do that in quite a few languages.
I'm visiting friends. There is a local discussion about the "open carry" law. I was having coffee with some friends at a local Starbucks this morning and could understand their concern. A group of "open carry" folks came in, all wearing their guns. Want to see a Starbucks empty out quickly?
What I noticed was that they couldn't leave them alone. They were constantly touching their beloved guns. Under local law the guns have to be unloaded, but most displayed their ammo clips predominantly on their belts and fidgeted with those too.
I did not feel safer having these folks around - quite the opposite. What is the old saying? to a carpenter everything looks like a nail? (or something like that) To me, it looked like they were all begging for an excuse to use their precious guns, and I was quite sure that such an even would spoil the interesting conversation over coffee.
On the other hand, a week ago I was visiting a friend in the mountains who needed his 12 gauge just to keep his sheep safe from predators.
A few weeks ago, some yahoo from Texas was trying to explain to the border agents in British Columbia how he had a "god given right" to take his guns into Canada. They were not amused. He was quite loud and adamant about his "god given" rights. <sigh> The good news was that, after him, they took a look at my California plates and just waved me on through.