Another variation of the question is can someone be against Zionism without being anti Semitic? IMO, absolutely. I have been to Israel many times and met friendly people on both sides.
Two of the more heated debates on the subject I have seen on TFP:
I will try saying this as diplomatically as possible and I’m sure I will be informed if it’s inappropriate. The dialogue within those threads shows the possible difficulty in debating with a hardcore Zionist. (If that’s inappropriate please edit) The only reason I feel OK saying that is because the person I am speaking about has stated he is a proud Zionist here in the forum. I do have my opinions about Zionism but in an attempt not appear as labeling someone, I’ll phrase I have had difficulty debating with some Zionists in the past.
I firmly believe that the small section of land known as the West Bank is problem if left unresolved has the potential in igniting a global conflict. It doesn’t mean I’m blaming the entire world’s problems on the Jewish population.