My wife had me fully civilized 5 years ago. When I met her, I was living in a motor coach and traveling to the next job. Five years ago I had met her, married her, bought a house, and settled into a community. I made changes in my work to allow me to spend a lot of time with her. I cut out the adaptive intelligent robot side of my work and focussed on what I could do in Silicon Valley.
I never sold the coach that I had lived/worked in for the 16 years before I met the one that stole my heart. I improved it, over the years. I live in it now that I lost her to cancer. My time with her was too short.
Ooops, sorry. I go off sometimes.
A friend had a band. He was a great blues guitarist. We went to go see him play, 5 years ago. He was brilliant. The audience loved it. He said that he was so excited by all of the offers he had received and that he was more than a little overwhelmed. I told him that I would meet him for breakfast. He blew his brains out that night.
That's what I remember from exactly 5 years ago.
If ignorance is bliss then why are the ignorant so angry? - Shannon Wheeler