Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I think its ok but a bit adolescent really. The main character always struck me as a jerk. I think the writer kind of thought of him in those terms sometimes (although it also seems very autobiographical). Death is definitely the most likeable character. A story doesnt have to have a sympathetic character to be good, but you kind of have to care one way or the other. But its worth checking out... but I read it after I read American Gods, and it was a bit of a let down for me.
The best thing for me about Sandman was it introduced me to John Constantine.
Dream was always supposed to be a bit of a jerk. He's flawed, just like all the Endless, and he has trouble recognizing it. when you're a near eternal incarnation, these things happen.
I always liked Dream because of his "jerkiness", because after Death points it out to him (in the issue "The Sound of Her Wings") he actually tries to stop being such a big jerk.
Although it rambles all over, as dreams often do, I feel the story from that point on is Dream's attempts to be less of a jerk. Sometimes he succeeds, and sometimes he fails. Just like the rest of us.
Also, John Constantine is absolutely incredible. He's not a girl, or he would likely have been my choice.