Part of the problem is your talking countries that heavily mix ideology and thier governmental or political systems and indeed culture itself. In all of these countries including Israel, christians either come under fire or are persecuted in no less of a way than muslims often are here. hell the Muslims can barely get along amongst themselves. Sure racism exists against Israelis and Arabs, but anymore its not so much about Arab or israeli as it is Jews and Muslims. I'm not suggesting this is okay at all on any front, just pointing out the truth of it.
What a stupid set of things to ahte and argue about when all of these religions are supposed to teach understanding, acceptance, and forbid judgement for a judgeent of the self and your spiritual position. because religion is a tool, a from of crowd control anymore. Not saying its wrong I'm justs aying it is easily exploited.
If you look at all the violence, war, and death and in one way or another it is all related to religion or money or both, even if its atheists figting religion... its still about religion. I believe in a creator, god if you will. I'm not too specific beyond that and I have to say... In the movie Book of Eli, I thought yeah, that makes sense... How long until we are tired of this. Tired of the more issues than positives? I odnt agree it should happen, but i could see and really understand how people could get there, get to a point where they just want it to go away rather than deal with its bullshit that inevitably happens.
Everything in the middle east is to either support a religion, debunk one, stop one or create one. Even Qadaffi... from a coup thta united the tribal communities and to keep that certain flavor of islam out so he is sure to keep hold of power.
So is that racist? Profiling? Or maing a reasonable assumption given the statistics, the probable outcome, the eventual?Fear them equally but I guess dont fool yourself about the inevitability, possibility... the likelihood.
\holy crap was I tired when i wrote that...
The point was supposed to be that so many of these decisions they make are based in their ideologies rather than as countries alone. would they fight or even be separate countries as they are now, if the theocracies and ideologies were not present?
So i think it is essentially at this time impossible to be critical without being jewish and not, to them, come off or be considered anti-semitic, and that goes for Islam as well. It's crap but... its just how it is. I think we should though, i really think we should call them all out at the same time by saying hey, your all doing some messed up crap that doesnt make sense and using the same God as an excuse against each other, grow up and try living by the harder morals of your ideologies of sharing, finding peace, and being the best people you can be to both the people you love AND hate.
I wouldnt expect to make or keep some friends though.
Last edited by urville; 03-22-2011 at 08:43 AM..