Worn Leather Holster Causes ND/AD...
“What the hell was that?!?” she said. It took me a half a second to realize that my gun had just gone off…on my hip…in its holster. My wife and I had just finished breakfast at our favorite café and got into the car.
Me being the passenger, I rotated my torso to the left to fasten my seatbelt like I always do. When I straightened again, my Glock 19 discharged, blowing a 9mm hole through my pants, underwear, the leather seat and bottom of the car’s door frame.
The bullet nicked my hip, but the wound is nothing a bandage couldn’t cover. So what went wrong? Guns never go “Bang” all by themselves.
[Credits: ITS Tactical
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SAFETY WARNING! Worn Leather Holsters Can Cause Accidental Discharges!]
Just a heads up. A lot of people say "Don't worry, just use a quality holster...." but exigencies can happen. Luckily no one was seriously injured.
Stay safe.