Originally Posted by supersix2
Hey DaveOrion if you go here you will see NASA has given you more than Tang and microwaves. Go to the Spinoff Database button at the top and just do a search by NASA center. There are pages of abstracts written showing how a NASA invention, innovation, or research has had impacts across industries.
NASA Spinoff homepage
Most of your thoughts on this topic are misguided and over-generalizations. Name me one industry out there that doesn't have a few bad apples that pad numbers, "cook the books" or employees who milk their jobs? Spending vast sums of money is not going to fix ideological, theological, or whatever logical differences. You know what has allowed nations to put aside differences? Working on joint space exploration ventures and guess what we get extra benefits of technology advancement out of it.
We don't need warp drives or wormholes to go to return to the Moon, build a moon base, or go to Mars or an asteroid. Sure we need to mature some technologies before we can do these things more safely and with a higher chance of success but if we had the money and the will we can pretty much do it now. What will we end up doing is working with other countries and explore as a joint effort. Different countries and cultures working together towards a common goal will allow people to set aside their differences.
Anyway man, I know I'm not going to change your mind but maybe this will help you not easily discount the impacts of the space program on all of the various "problems" facing the world.
Uh, yea, I was kidding about the tang thing.............I'm already aware of all of the tech that NASA has come up with, this is the info age & I do have access to the net..................
People change their mind all the time, I do as well..........
All we need to do is change the minds of most of the people on earth and your theoretical Utopian bliss with all counties working together for a common goal can be realized. Tech will help us overcome the hurdles and look out galaxy here we come!
I think that was called Star Trek.