Originally Posted by dc_dux
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread"....just a thought.
Obama's words on this issue and his actions lack clarity.
Is the military objective to simply assist with establishing a no fly zone? If so for what purpose?
Is the purpose of the no fly zone to save lives? If so, will prolonging a civil war save lives?
Is the purpose to assist the rebels in overthrowing Kadafi? If so, do they need more support?
If the rebels need more support, how much more are we going to give them? Are we committed to the end? Are we going to only provide support as long as it is politically convenient?
Who are the rebels? Are the rebels committed to a equal human rights for all? If not why support them?
So many questions with no real answers coming from the WH. And worse, we have a Congress and a press crops not demanding answers.
Say what you want about Bush, but one thing was certain - he was not ambiguous regarding the use of our military in Iraq.