In both my marriages I was a procrastinator that drove both wives nuts. However neither one were saints in that department. I wouldn't say much except, when they would push me, then it would be me asking why they hadn't done their part. Not mature for either of us, nor was it healthy, hence EX wives.
This could also be you in that as you put it:
SO comes to senses, pays the application fee, and everything goes back to rainbows and sunshine. Cue email from landlady: "Both of you sign, and please return attached paperwork for roommate addition." I wait to see what SO does... SO ignores the email for two weeks. I ask SO to please take care of this issue, as I am traveling for work and can't do it. SO swears it will be done before today (18 March). SO again fails the task, and today I get a nasty-gram from the landlady.
You wait and see what you SO does....... did you do your part? Maybe subconciously you are not prepared for someone living with you and this makes it easy to get out of the situation. "They don't live up to their tasks, I want to remain on good terms with the landlord soooooooooo they got to go." So what is more important, how your SO handles things or your relationship with the landlord? If it's your SO then you wouldn't wait 2 weeks, you'd make sure it got done, via being open and saying "if you can't do this then I think you have issues and am not sure we can continue."
If you care more about what your landlord thinks then unfortunately, ..... nothing your SO does will work. Maybe that's the problem your SO feels you value that relationship and your appearance more than them.
Or it could be as the relationship becomes more and more serious the 2 of you are noticing things you saw before but could in essence over look because both of you weren't living together. Now that you are and you have a more extreme closeness those "little things" are far more noticeable and you can't overlook them because that is not how you want your SO to be. In which case it's time to back the relationship up and maintain a distance.
My experience says you need to open lines of communication and tell your SO this, and in return they may say some unflattering things about you. But as long as you can communicate and progress is made by both sides, you should be okay. If progress isn't made and you have attempted everything, then end it because nothing will ever change, that is my experience.
In both my marriages we would argue over something we didn't like about each other and expect change and wait and wait and not see change and as we waited tensions rose and we'd have explosions. I was as bad as they were in this area.
Just my thoughts on the situation. Good luck.