Thread: An Act of War?
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Old 03-19-2011, 05:40 PM   #4 (permalink)
Strange Famous
follower of the child's crusade?
I am not trying to say that I support Gaddafhi, or that I think force is always wrong

But surely a democracy requires some kind of mandate to use its military?

This isnt a sudden attack.

I think I just get upset with the hypocrisy... what are war crimes in Libya are basically unreported in Saudi or Pakistan...

If Ethiopia get upset with Somalia and go and kick the shit out of them, no one talks about no fly zones to protect a Muslim govt (which ought to be better than the civil war that was there before) from an airforce of 90's MIGs.

Fair enough, if its Russia doing a bit of regional bullying there is nothing we CAN do... but Ethiopia isnt... its just there's no oil, and no political interest... so the dead there we just mourn rather than try to defend.


Libya is not in my mind a simple case of the govt forces killing civilians, but a genuine civil war.

If civilians are being targetted then the best tactic is the one the US used to protect the Iraqi Kurds from Turkey in the last gulf war. Turkey steamed in ready to "secure their borders" and the US dropped in troops between Turkey and the civilians... and as strong as the Turkish army is they arent going to fire on US troops...
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for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
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without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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