Originally Posted by Strange Famous
there are edible plants that can harvest at any time of the year in most climates (certainly the one I live in) and if the chips go down in mid winter there is a good amount of tinned food that would last through the first winter and gave you the chance to build up stocks.
Im not saying if I was hungry I wouldnt kill an eat a dog. I just dont think it is accurate to view it as the most likely main food source in an urban area.
Have you ever lived off the land? I mean REALLY lived off the land? Gathered, hunted, and cooked meals using nothing but the land around you in a square mile or two? I'm going to go out on a limb and say no.
Living off the land is HARD to do and takes a lot of hard work even in the most fertile of areas (I knew a couple that lived off the land they lived on, it was a full time job just to put food on the table). You have to farm (which is NOT easy, ask a farmer) and do that without a lot of the modern equipment used today.
Urban area? Good luck on that, most of the easily editable crops/plants will be scavenged over in a week and planting takes time.
You know that season? That season when it's really cold? With the snow and the frost? What's that called again... Oh yeah WINTER. That time when nothing grows and all the plants die. Try living in the dead of winter and eating what you find. Southern England may not be Canada in terms of weather, but it's not tropical by any means.
The military trains people hard for many months just to be able to live off the land they happen to crash/end up in. It's not easy and it's a hard, hard life.
Originally Posted by Walt
False. The correct answer would have been "a woman". They're natural gatherers. As a bonus: - Women are also valuable in barter situations.
- Their incessant talking makes them ideal for drawing fire
- I cannot out run a bear. I can, however, out run a woman.
- Sandwiches aren't going to make themselves.
I seriously choked on my drink. You almost killed me Walt.
I love it how the gun guys give up on a thread and just crack jokes while the rest of us armchair commandos hash it out about shit we know nothing about. It makes me giggle.