Originally Posted by Strange Famous
My whole adult life (since maybe 14) I have suffered irrational mood swings over things like this that to everyone else seem insignificant. On a rational level I understand probably my bosses boss just told him "he looks like shit, cant you just tell him to go home". but there is a voice in the back of my head always telling me "they all think youre a cunt, why dont you tell them to fuck off?"
Yeah, I know that voice. For me it's less a reaction of "maybe they all think you suck," and more "don't they all get how capable you are?!" But either way, it does boil down to that voice going, "why don't you tell them to fuck off?" And I can tell you, while the satisfaction of doing so is substantial in the moment, it really comes back to bite you in the ass, especially later on when you've burned bridges you didn't expect to need, or pissed off people you might need to get work from.
One of the greatest challenges in my life has been training myself to respond to that voice with a hearty internal STFU. If I had come further in that training seven years ago, I might not be looking for work now. Keep strong, brah. It's totally worth the effort.