Originally Posted by EventHorizon
i completely agree, if they want to feed their kid on a vegetarian diet it isnt bizarre at all, but pulling statistics out of thin air doesnt really help the discussion much. i have nothing against you personally whatsoever (quite the opposite actually) but trying to argue a side without accurate facts is just letting your passions get the best of you. also, i have yet to meet a buddhist that doesnt eat meat.
Buddhist vegetarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The number 400,000,000 wasn't wrong, what I applied it to was. Roughly 40% of the population of India is vegetarian. India has a population of 1 billion.
I wrote Buddhist and should have been more accurate (speed kills... it also makes a mess of your posts).
For the record... I eat a lot of meat. I am not passionate about vegetarians, I just know that there are a heck of a lot of people getting painted with a very broad "bizarre" brush... and that annoys me.
Some people are so sure that their way is the only way. I say recognize diversity and embrace the fuck out of it. Your life will be richer for it.