Originally Posted by Fremen
I can't copy/paste select passages from an article, just a link, due to the limitations of this tablet, but your question intrigued me, so I googled it.
Greece - Demographic Trends
From the article, they state many reasons for the low birth rate in Greece, but the one they posit as the highest, is that women are employed more and more outside the home.
The other reasons seem to be immigration away from Greece, having to work longer to make the same amount of money as other European countries, who work less hours, longer life expectancy, etc.
I would also think that because they're living on an island with finite space, it might have something to do with it.
There are Greek islands, but Greece itself isnt an island. It borders Turkey and Bulgaria for a start, probably other places too?
I would have counted the relative conservative nature of the society as a whole as one reason for a low birth rate personally.
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for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas