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Old 03-14-2011, 08:32 PM   #13 (permalink)
immoral minority
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Location: Back in Ohio
I think there is a problem. We mix 'real' science facts with theories too often. And we believe things to be true before they have been repeated by multiple scientists or have occurred multiple times in nature (gravity is pretty consistent, the molecular makeup of water isn't changing overnight).

I have a special hatred for the medical 'research' field. They are trying to do good, but they are also trying to make lots of money and become famous. Or they are trying to push their own agenda and setup their experiments to prove them right.

There needs to be a serious review of what constitutes medical and health related science. They need to agree that every person is a little bit different, and what might work for one person, won't work for another. Or there are also multiple variables in any test, and they need to have a matrix style result...

...A | B | C



And science isn't always right. It can evolve, yet it seems like once some scientists announce a big claim* , that thousands of us go to work trying to discredit them.

*(sometime prematurely in order to be First, because nobody remembers the second person to figure out something)

And the field of science is too disorganized. How much time should some scientist put in reading all the journals from all over the world, attending conferences, and talking to other researchers in the field who are working on the same thing? It sounds like a full time job, yet I'm not sure that position exists...

And then there is the money and funding issues. Results matter, not how many papers you get published proving that your 'theory' didn't pan out and you didn't find anything worthwhile.

Yet there is also the climate change theory, that even though is right and the evidence is there as predicted, people will still not believe it now because it would mean that the 'left' was right. But that isn't 'science'. Science is saying that if there are two enclosures, one filled with normal clean air, and one filled with more CO2, that if they are placed in the Sun for a day that the CO2 one will be hotter...

Statistics isn't science, unless it is 100%.

Last edited by ASU2003; 03-14-2011 at 08:39 PM..
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