Originally Posted by Brandon_31
It makes me so sad to see that this has happened to such a great country. A few friends of mine have posted some things on Facebook, saying people have said this is "payback" for the Pearl Harbor bombing, back in 1941. I was like... really? It makes me so aggravated when people show their true ignorance like that.... 
Well, I guess that everyone has their agenda. They must be spiritually related to those asshats from the little church in Topeka that protest at military funerals, and claim dead soldiers are God's punishment for American acceptance of homosexuality.
I have a friend who is strongly anti nuclear power, who believes that whole part of the world will turn into a wasteland, like Chernobyl. Sad, but I almost think that he would like to see that end of it turn out badly for the Japanese, who have been leaders in nuclear generation of electricity.

I hope my friend is disappointed.