.........I find it difficult to accurately convey my true emotions in print. I've had numerous interactions where the other person thinks I'm "short" or "pissy" or "aggressive" or "being an asshole" when I'm aiming for the opposite. '
while i don't find it difficult to convey anything
Jazz, i am usually perceived to be rude, opininated or hard
so be it but if they took the time to get to know me properly, they'ld realise that tak (yes) i am opininated, but i'm not rude or hard - i'm simply honest and direct
given facial expressions can't be seen and voice tone can't be heard in forums, as mentioned above, online communication is difficult. moreso if the over-sensitive receiptents or those that fly of the handle without giving the other the opportunity to explain themselves don't use emoticons
gawd one board i tried, they didn't even like emoticons so even on my very first post, i was hauled over the coals for using them

i may be clever, i'm not THAT clever
i'm not a mind reader but i am a visual soul so shoot me