you found me unc, you're up.
Ever since I was a little kid I was very impressed by and attracted to the S.S. United States. I built a couple models of it when I was quite young. What attracted me first was the sleek design and colors scheme. Then when I learned that it was the fastest ship to ever cross the Atlantic, I was permanently in love.
Here it is with it's sister ship, the S.S. America
A shot of it departing port back in 1956:

Now it sits at a Philadelphia pier, almost certainly too far deteriorated to ever be a functional ship again. But there's still hope it can be financed into a museum or maybe even a docked casino type function. While that's not a glorious as it deserves, it's better than scraping it.
Here's a photo I took myself when I drove down there with my kid to show it to him: