Originally Posted by dogzilla
Whatever. I think my taxes are too high, and there's lots of other people who think similarly. If the current set of politicians doesn't understand that we will keep voting them out until we get ones that do understand that.
If that means breaking the stranglehold the unions have on state and local governments, so be it.
It's time for the Democrat representatives in Wisconsin to quit playing hide and seek and do their jobs. If I was a Wisconsin resident, I would be protesting that and insisting on their recall.
If some upper income people are getting to keep more of their money so they can invest it in the economy, that's at least a start. It's not like they have vaults full of cash just doing nothing.
The vast majority of Americans receive more in direct services and transfers (which means I am not even counting abstract things like national security and science investment) from the government than they put in. I would bet that most here, if not all, will be part of the group once social security and medicare expenditures are taken into account.
If given a choice, no one would pay taxes. That is why they are taxes, not donations. But people who want lower taxes without corresponding cuts in spending are hypocrites.
And people who think that scapegoating teachers and other public servants for the budget hole is the right thing to do are also uninformed.