I'm not so concerned about what the billionaire's problems are, they can take care of themselves. But if it's not fair to raise my taxes, then I don't consider it fair to raise the taxes on the billionaires either. Raise their taxes high enough and they will take their investments elsewhere, as with the UK back in the 60's timeframe with their 95% tax rate on highest incomes.
When my total tax bill, federal, state and local, approaches 40% of my income, that's way too high.
When my town tried to raise school taxes by 12% last year (and inflation somewhere in the 2-3% range) that got voted down. Then the town came back with an 'austerity' budget with an increase only a couple percent lower, instead of a 2-3% increase that would really be an austerity budget, that's too much.
If public employee's pensions and other benefits were more in line with what private sector employees get, maybe it wouldn't be a big deal. But when I read about public employees who game the system with overtime, etc in their last years of employment so they get pensions that are a very large percentage of their final year's salary, that's outrageous.
I'm in favor of the unions getting their wings clipped, severely.
I'm sure the government is quite willing to accommodate people who think their taxes are too low. The federal government even has a mailing address where people can send their surplus cash.
When the wealthy liberals like Michael Moore, etc contribute the bulk of their wealth to benefit the poor, then they will have a valid point. Until then they have less credibility than Fox News.
Finally, you're right. If you don't like your job, you can find a better one. I've done that four times since I started working full time.