Originally Posted by filtherton
How does that old saying go?
Something about a wealthy person being able to hire half of the working class to kill the other half? I think it's probably evolved a bit since then. Now, they don't have to hire members of the working class, they just have to convince them that their interests are the same as the wealthy folks interests, that way, the working class will choose to off themselves (economically speaking, of course). Won't somebody please think of the millionaires!!!
My wife and I paid over $3000 dollars in state and local taxes last year not including federal income taxes and we cannot afford a pension or decent healthcare. The only healthcare insurance we can afford is over $500 per month for $10,000 deductable with no drug coverage. I have no problem furnishing public employees with pensions and healthcare from our taxes but first the government must leave us enough money to provide for ourselves.