Originally Posted by noodle
The lady that lives inside my Tom-Tom gets the brunt of my anger a lot of the time. I tend to yell "what the fuck is WRONG with you?!" at her a lot. I don't tend to yell at things that I don't ascribe a personality to... like a pole, or a wall. But the cats, my car, other drivers that cannot hear me, characters in movies, directors of movies, my dishwasher, the POS washer and dryer, my computer... it's all fair game. S gets really frustrated and weirded out at me when I talk to the cats like they can understand me, e.g. "If you wouldn't sit there, I wouldn't step on you, you little motherfucker! Don't get pissy at me!"
I also talk to my GPS, the voice it's set to is "Serena" and I address her by name. I did the same as you when I had a cat, dumb things like when he was sitting on the radiator swatting at the doorknob and whining at me because he wanted to go outside, "If you wanted to go outside, you should have evolved opposable thumbs."