I know almost everyone (probably everyone) talks to themselves. But do you ever (and I mean somewhat regularly) smak talk things that piss you off?
Like the story that made me think to post this; I was camping with friends and a bee somehow managed to get into my sandal and was stinging. This led me to rampage (dance) around cussing the shit out of the bee and trying to get it out.
Then that made me realize I do that to other things too. Like the toothpaste not coming out? I might say something like "I know you're hiding in their you little fucker, come out before I make you" or some crap like that. Made me lol once I consciously realized I did stuff like that.
I think it probably came from playing online competitive computer games. Smak talking the other players even though they can't hear me. Now I do it to NPCs too
Doorknobs, cars, tools, computers, anything that isn't working right now I totally cuss out. And I'm starting to do it in front of people more and more

not just when I'm alone. I think by the time I'm a senior citizen they'll think I'm insane.
Anywho, do you do this?