While I'm on the confidence-is-key band wagon, I don't think attractive looks can be dismissed.
I know in myself that I've often treated people differently upon first introduction because of their looks. But this has always been a result of my very own insecurities.
A number of people commented in the past that I have my own brand of attractive and sexy, but I've always been dogged by my own shyness and lack of self confidence that I've never really been about to 'attract' someone in the holistic sense of the word. Interestingly enough, a couple of times where women have been very flirty with me or just out right hitting on my is when ridiculously hungover and just couldn't give a flying fuck about anything or anyone. Too tired to be self conscious I guess you could say.
How you see yourself will directly influence how you see others and how others see you. I absolutely believe that. I've met girls who weren't the most attractive specimens who I'd fuck in a heart beat because of their personality, and I've met girls who are classic 'hot' who I couldn't fucking stand to be around. But, I'll admit, this is after first glance. I'm honest with myself enough to admit that yes, at first glance looks will affect how I approach someone, but not for very long.
You are not a slave
Last edited by MrFriendly; 03-04-2011 at 01:46 AM..