Hmph, I see how it is... either I've started emulating our dear departed Host or you guys need to take your friggin' ADHD meds.
I mean, I'm not actually writing like Xerxys yet. This is assuming you can look beyond my criminal use of run-on sentences.
And I get your point. Holding a picture of an attractive person in your hand and going, "Wow, I bet they're more confident than a Level 91 Lives-With-Mom WOW troll." ...but what's ugly? It's easy for us to picture an attractive person. Who is this stereotypical ugly person? I can't think of too many, honestly. I'm really trying here. Taking my coworkers as a sample, I'd have to say that none of them are legitimately ugly even if the overwhelming majority of us are average looking. Who is decisive enough to find me an example of someone that is genuinely ugly? I'm obviously not ruthless enough.
It's easy to give everybody on Hot or Not a 6 or 7. I want to see the people that actually deserve to get a 3.
Last edited by Plan9; 03-03-2011 at 10:35 PM..