Originally posted by seretogis
I say this as a homosexual man of "mixed-ethnicity", so put aside the you-only-say-that-because-you-are-a-heterosexual-rich-old-white-male retort.
Are you really? Thats so cool.
I also think hate crimes are totally bogus. Of course I too am part of the vast right wing conspiracy(I never get invited to any of the meetings though) ... Well thats only half true but still. More on that later. The point is under current laws (or pre hate crime laws) murders still went to jail and often got the death sentance. Why do we need to single out the ones that did it because of "hate"? And beyond that what groups need to be protected by said laws? Blacks? Gays? Whites? What if I hate short people? What if I kill someone because he is short? Would I then be subject to hate crime laws? If not, then why not? If so, then where does it end? And also people are opening up the can of worms of one persons killer being more fitting for punishment then anothers because of the intent. What if I hate one family? I mean like 5 people. I kill one of them. I there for strike fear into the other 4. Should I there for be punished more harshly because I did it, atleast in part, to scare the others? This also assumes that these killings are well thought out well planned things. I think we are making a large assumption to say that everyone who kills someone else of a differn't race, because of race or whatever, did it for the sole reason to scare other people of said race.
In the end my opposition to hate crime laws boils down to two things. First, they are completly unnecessary. I mean what are we going to do? Kill them twice? I mean if all we did was unforce current laws we would be fine. We will in no way help the seperation of the races by staying that the death of a black man by a white man is some how more "Bad" then that same white man killing another white man. Secondly, even if I was to approve of them as a whole I would still have to be against them because of the ease of misuse of them (I.E. Anytime any body of another race kills someone else or kills a gay man it will be a hate crime)