this is what they rekon we're worth
Website Value:
Page value 56 174
USDWebsite Value: in Euro: 46 636 €
72 bars of goldOne bar of gold weight 20 grams
16 camelsValue of one camel is 3 goats, 2 sheep and 1 donkey.
43 210 beer bottlesValue of one beer is $ 1.3
4 885 bottles of vodkaValue of one bottle of vodka is $ 11.5
Daily income 51,3 USDEstimated income from Google AdSense
Monthly income 1 539 USDEstimated income from Google AdSense
Fremen this is a page ranking site. There are many others like it online..i just find it intruiging that they valued it in different ways.
btw, what sort of camel is it? here in arabia, not all camels are the same. It's like saying 100 dollar bill is the same as a 10 dollar bill.
what i find intruiging the most is that they assumed that we take an income of 51 dollars a day. i wish that were true. Most members know that in order to keep this place ad-free, TFP income is dependant on contributions from the members themselves.