Originally Posted by roachboy
i know.....let's let capitalism solve the problem....
Not about what I would do, you've suggested that something needs to be done.
actually, this is a consistent problem with transnational organizations, moving from saying tsk tsk tsk to actually doing anything.
there are reports that nato has warned kadhafi to use restraint. i haven't seen anything else about it. in this case, if the situation escalates, i wouldn't object to nato intervening to effectively depose kadhafi.
Intervening how?
the e.u. is handwringing a lot...on the one hand tsk tsk violence is bad but on the other, led by italy, starting to freak out about refugee flow potentials.
the security council hasn't managed to put together a resolution even. so none of the related transnational agencies (in a loose sense, from peacekeeping forces to the international court) can do anything.
the united states has apparently been waiting to say much until a ferry with us citizens reaches malta.
it would be a bad bad idea for any individual country to go into libya. no cowboy shit. remember iraq? bad idea. bad bad idea.
nation-states are done for.
situations like this simply show it.
So after all that what is your answer? Or, did I miss it? Remember I am an uniformed simpleton who lives in a imaginary world - perhaps it is too complicated, right?