Originally Posted by KirStang
I agree. Sweeping regulations imposed on many to fix the faults of few is problematic.
Anyway. Can we get this thread back on target: What are people's justification for having children?
My reply following the vibes I get from the article: Take the piss out of those, who don't have children.
Originally Posted by filtherton
I don't think you'll find anyone who will argue that people on welfare -while on welfare- aren't gaining from society. What I'm saying is that the cost-benefit ratio for having kids as a means of increasing your welfare check is less than one.
And kids are expensive, even if you were to make all of their clothes, feed them only oatmeal, avoid the doctor visits and leave them home alone while you and your spouse work. If you factor in the considerable time commitment required to raise them right the little bastards aren't cheap.
The expensive is often, because you want to maintain a certain lifestyle. Kids themselves would not know to require much but basic things, they can use recycled goods. What makes raising kids expensive is that they have to get what everyone else is getting. Raising kids becomes armaments race.
When it comes to their hobbies at later age, training them is expensive, but still it's like dealing with investments. Many parents make their kids to practise ice hockey for example. In hopes that they one day become multimillionare professional players. If your kid does not succeed, you made a bad investment.