Originally Posted by filtherton
Are you afraid that your son would be the first confused teenager to ever set foot in a PP? I suspect, and this is just my gut feeling, that they might have experience providing medical care to confused teenagers.
I do not think a clinic should be providing medical services to minors without having access to the child's medical records and medical history. For example:
Immediate latex allergy. These potentially serious reactions occur within minutes of exposure and may cause hives, itching at the site of contact or all over, tightness of the throat, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, anaphylaxis and even death. Most people may experience these reactions only upon contact with the latex product. Others are so sensitive that they may have a reaction after being given a drug stored in a bottle with a latex stopper or after breathing the powder that comes off latex surgical gloves.
Latex Allergy Symptoms
What if the child is given latex condemns and they have an allergy to latex. Is PP going to know? The symptoms can be very confusing to a child, would they diagnose the allergy properly?
Personally, I'd be more afraid that my son was going to accidentally knock someone up, or that if he did knock someone up, that he'd lack access to resources because he wasn't comfortable coming to me.
I am not afraid - my point is that minors are considered minors for a reason. Serious medical issues, I just used the latex condom allergy example above to illustrate a broader point and I don't fear the broad and general use of latex condoms, require comprehensive care in my view for children in particular.