USA Today/Gallup released a poll yesterday that finds the public strongly opposes laws taking away the collective bargaining power of public employee unions as a way to ease state financial troubles: 61% would oppose a law in their state similar to one being considered in Wisconsin, compared with 33% who would favor such a law.
But not according to Fox.
Fox and Friends Co-Host Brian Kilmeade, with accompanying graphic, actually reversed the results of the poll in order to claim that two-thirds of Americans supported Wisconsin-style laws rather than opposed them.

KILMEADE: I think Gallup, a relatively mainstream poll, has a differing view. And here is the question that was posed, should you take away--will you favor or are you in disfavor of taking away collective bargaining when it comes to salaries for government workers? 61% In favor of taking it away. 33% oppose. 6% up in the air.
otto...I agree. The manner and frequency in which Fox misrepresents the facts would be ridiculous were it not so offensive to the concept of accurate reporting.