Originally Posted by kaerlyon
Hi Bagatelle 
I suppose I'm a new member, so I answer to you  : I try to come here regulary but I have a life and this is most importante than a forum. Before I went to a french forum a lot, a very active forum and I think it's dangerous. I had big problems ! So now, I like a quiet forum, just with few messages (and english isn't my usual language). But maybe, many people would want an other thing, less adult for example or with more messages and after inscription to going to another virtual world. Oh, and you can't eat me.... I have a very hard skin, big teeth and long claws 
Yes, I know the dangers of getting too much involved and too much time spent online.
I've had no work since Christmas, so I have way too much free time. Or I should say unorganized time...
I work at the computer, but I took a habit of not logging into any forums at work. Can't make same rules for myself at home, though.
I may need a beating to stay away.