Oh... is there a word to describe this current state of dilapidated enlightenment?

I shouldn't have gone and experienced The Sunset Limited; once was enough, twice beat me down.)
-- (
to note: in my opinion, over the course of the last 50-odd years, and over many different mediums and re-imaginings, the three most depressing short-form / longform works of fictional character protagonist's are, succinctly so: Ditko / Lee's The Amazing Spiderman (Peter Parker), Schulz's Peanuts (Charlie Brown), & McCarthy's The Sunset Limited (White /- Professor))
What/who do you find quite absymally-draining, when contemplatng the eternal (futile?) struggle in which we too often attribute to life? (Is Odysseus one of the forefathers of all our woes, you think? Hmm.. The Bible has countless stories of tragedies and moral recountings - a true "Black & White" conflict of ideals.)