Originally Posted by Redlemon
A good friend of mine has a son, who is now 8 years old. We met him when he was 4. Even then, he could have played the role of "young Carson Kressley" if they did a biopic of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. He is swishy. His vocal mannerisms are "queeny". It will be interesting to see if he identifies as gay in the future.
I totally forgot about something that is so basic and that I've known for so long it just disappears, probably like water disappears in the perception of a fish I guess. My cousin who's about 12 years younger than I is gay. When he was a toddler learning to talk he lisped and fluted and such, and I thought it was his learning to speak phase. When he was a little boy he fluted and swished and had dramatic gestures and intonation and I thought he was a bit different. When he was a young teenager with pink hair and etc. I was damned sure he was gay and also a very cool, neat young guy. Now he's an adult in his 40's who's been out for decades and he has the "gay voice" and it is just him talking.
Huh. I forgot this until I read that post. Whaddya know.