Originally Posted by Willravel
Why is it unreasonable to abstain from drinking alcohol for a few days? Is the woman in the OP and alcoholic or something?
I picked up on this as well. If the woman in the OP is that uncomfortable with going a few hours or a day without drinking, she may have more of a problem than a wine cellar that doesn't get used often enough. We only get her point of view here. Perhaps Brother doesn't want her to drink when the kids are around because Sis always gets hammered. And why doesn't the Mom (a non drinker) just pass the whole seldom used wine collection on to her daughter?

Or does Mom recognize something daughter won't admit?
Originally Posted by snowy
....My family has had to deal with this recently, as one of my husband's uncles had to abstain from drinking over the holidays due to a medication he was on. Despite his insistence that he would be fine with other people drinking at holiday affairs, my mother-in-law, her mother, and her sister-in-law (the uncle's wife) all abstained from drinking too, trying to be "considerate." The problem with this was that they made the people who did choose to drink feel out of place and bad about the whole thing.
If there are non-drinkers present at a function, should people who do drink abstain from drinking?
The uncle's distaff contingent was being a little manipulative, methinks? I'll bet they made sure that everyone knew that they weren't drinking.
I think that the size of the "function" would have influence on my response. With a group of a dozen, mixed drinkers and non-drinkers, (Oooh, a pun!) I wouldn't fault anyone for their choice. I'm not a big drinker, but would probably drink, or not, depending on what was on offer.
A group of three, with one person specifically asking that there be no drinking... I would accommodate those wishes.
Originally Posted by snowy
....Drinking in moderation is fine....I think we encourage irresponsible behavior when it comes to drinking.
So what do you think?
I have nothing against moderate drinking, and am myself a moderate drinker. But there are always those who think that they are just "having a few drinks," while to anyone else it's obvious that they've had "a few too many."