Originally Posted by dippin
This is a red herring. If anything, it is a justification for progressive taxes. If you believe that the state should provide free education, then you are going to have to hire teachers, which means that the teachers will make more money than some folks in the state. Unless, of course, you make the teachers the worst paid occupation in the state (and we are not talking about any fat cats here, as the starting salary for WI teachers is just above 25k a year).
I agree with much of what you wrote but I still think there is something wrong with forcing people who cannot afford health care and other benefits to provide them for others who make more. Many of us pay thousands in state and local taxes for the free education you mention.
Wisconsin Teacher Salaries in Context
By Dan Collins on February 19th, 2011
On average, including benefits, Wisconsin teachers earn about $78k per year. I’m going to leave aside the “for nine months work” part of this, because I think it’s been hammered enough. The average household income in Wisconsin is about $52k per year. So, teachers earn about 1.5 times the average household income in Wisconsin when you factor in the benefits, and many of those households are two-income households.
Wisconsin Teacher Salaries in Context | POWIP