This is off the top my head ...
Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand - Went through the typical Ayn Rand phase in college. I don't buy into her philosophy, but her ultra-right-wing views went a long way towards pulling my left wing (at the time) views towards the centre.
Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert - May be dismissed as chick-lit, but this book caused me to take a completely different view of religion. I had previously dismissed religion as unscientific, but I now think it's a pre-cursor to psychiatry and psycho-therapy in that it helps people to deal with traumatic events in their life.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey - Introduced the idea that there are 3 stages of how one interacts with others; dependent, independent, and interdependent. The last meaning that you're able to form mutually beneficial relationships.
Sperm Wars, Robin Baker - The first, and probably the best, book that I've read on evolutionary biology. Introduced me to the statistic that 10% of people are not the biological offspring of the man they think.
That's only 4, so I'll include 2 honorable mentions ...
Linchpin, Seth Godin - Everyone want to work in their own, well-defined, silos at work. You make yourself indepensible by being the one that pulls everything together.
The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle - Delivers a solid message that one has to think about one's goals and do what's necessary at the present time to meet them. Only criticism is that it's a re-packaging of Eastern meditation, without adequate acknowledgement or credit.
Insufficent posts for links.