Originally Posted by dogzilla
Yes I do. The union and management try to negotiate salary and benefits, with the union trying to extort more by threat of strike. All to frequently, government negotiators with no backbone cave in, rationalizing that it's only taxpayer money and there's more where that came from.
You do know that collective bargaining isn't restricted to government employees, right?
As for "trying to extort more" from the government, that applies to pretty much every facet of government spending, though I wouldn't call it extortion. As such, it includes all sorts of spending republicans do approve of, such as farm subsidies, business subsidies, military and police force wages and benefits, and the privatization, expropriation or licensing of any publicly owned resource for private businesses.
Finally, people who are really about "small government" should be consistent and demand that the same union busting rules they've been using be applied to businesses as well. But we know that won't be the case.