The latest reply (above) just sort of succinctly argued one side of the argument in which was goingst about in me head about 20 minutes ago (before I popped in now):
what makes any one (fictional) entity "truly" powerful? Is it the supernatural ability therein within the speculative mind of the character's will, (to bend time/space and/or spoons) or an we just do it the old-fashioned way, and hurl a flaming meteor towards them and see which of the two breaks first? (the visual allusion towards the ever-impossible scale to quantifying the 'might of the fist')
I'll keep myself busy with this, my self-issued query.
In the mean, this lends itself to being here, if not during the first thread re-boot, then now, some odd years later in whih I recall it existed in the first place, seems a good enough time (
excuse) to share:
The Bad-Ass Quotient System (measure someone's bad-assness)
"Tilted Trampoline"]