Originally Posted by settie
As many of you know, I'm an avid fan of Dragon Age, because its probably the most elaborate, most inventive, genius game project of all time. I eagerly anticipate its sequel, due out in a bit more than two weeks.
But, I fucking HATE Felicia Day. I've yet to like her acting, or singing, or anything. My friends and I were talking about this a few weeks ago. And I expressed my sincere disgust in her starring in it.
For her sake, she better not fuck up my Dragon Age. Or I might have to kick her ass.
But how do you really feel? XD
The trailer has me at a level of full ambivalence. It could end up being cool. It could end up being kinda meh. I had a ton of fun playing DA:O and I'm generally a fan of Felicia Day, but she hasn't shown much in the way of range when it comes to her acting. I like that she's actually a gamer and has become something of an icon for actual girls who game (as opposed to Olivia Munn who just cashes in on pretending), but she worked as Penny in Dr. Horrible and Codex in The Guild because I basically think that's how she is.
The Dragon Age universe is dark and gorey and, largely, unpleasant. I'll be interested to see if this web series will pull that off or if it'll end up looking like LARP'ing. The trailer, as I said, shows portents of both in equal measure.