Originally Posted by roachboy
for the life of me i cannot figure out how this one-dimensional petit-bourgeois view of taxation as taking-away-my-shit persists, even on the net which presupposes publicly funded electrical and mixed public-private telecommunications infrastructures, on computers that you would not have were it not for publicly funded railroad and highway systems, the consistency of which are conditions of possibility for the walmartization of commodity prices that this same one-dimensional view of the world would simply impute to a fact of nature or the Virtues of Exporting Captialist Exploitation to Places Where Labor Is Cheap. there's no way to move from this petit-bourgeois know nothing-ism coherent views of unions or states or redistributions of wealth. amazing.
I'd like to know where my publicly funded electricity and internet are. I get bills every month for both. I pay taxes for the highway and rail system, and when I buy a computer, part of price for that computer is to recover the taxes the railroad or trucking company paid.
When an individual's total tax bill, federal, state, and local is 40% or more of their income, it's time to say enough and start taking back. Or maybe I should just quit my job and let the government give me stuff.