Arizona's Medical-Marijuana Pioneers Don't Know the Final Rules of the Game Yet -- But They Are Certain of the Prize - Page 1 - News - Phoenix - Phoenix New Times
"The DHS will start accepting applications for dispensary licenses on May 1. But it only has 124 licenses to grant — one per dispensary location."
"Patients can begin applying for their get-out-of-jail free cards on April 14."
I hope it is better implemented here than in California... I still think if I am allowed to own a gun, I should be able to grow mj for personal use.
I like how the article said that there would only be one shop in North Tempe. I wonder if I can invest in that. (And I would have been healthier had I used it a few times back in college for mental health problems that to someone who voted against this or prop 19, would have deemed wrong or not qualifying)